Using Minolta manual lenses on Sony Alpha 6000

Sony Alpha 6000 with Minolta Rokkor manual lense using a K&F Concept converter

After testing the manual Minolta lense collection on a Nikon D7200, I purchased a converter to use them on Sony E-Mount bodies like the Sony Alpha 6000 I could borrow from a friend.

Sony Alpha 6000 | Minolta 28-85mm f3.5-4 @ 28mm f8

After the Nikon D7200 results were unsatisfactory, I have to admit that the set works pretty well with Sony. You can definitely create some beautiful pictures with this combination. It looks fantastic, and handling of the lense and the balance with the Alpha 6000 body is very pleasing.

Sony Alpha 6000 | Minolta 50mm f1.7 @ f1.7 (missed the focal point a bit, but I wanted to test bokeh as well)

I struggled a while with the settings and I am still not sure if I was able to use the camera to its full extend, but I ended up using manual mode and shutter priority a lot. Yet, it always appeared that the camera is really not meant to be used like that – might be due to my lack of ability and/or the fact that I shoot with a DSLR for almost a year now and got used to it. So I missed some shots to that circumstance.

Sony Alpha 6000 | Minolta 50mm f1.7 @ f4

The focus peaking, to my great relief, is absolutely helpful (when set to high) and supports manual focusing effectively. I did miss sometimes, but not that frequent. And I believe with more experience this isn’t an issue anymore. What is actually more tedious is the fiddling with the camera buttons until I was able to check if the image actually ended up sharp. On Nikon, I push one button, on Sony I could not figure out how to fasten up the process. You have to push the Zoom button and then use the big dial – with no indication at which scaling the picture is shown. I hope this can be fixed in the settings, but I did not find anything.

Sony Alpha 6000 | Minolta 50mm f1.7 @ f1.7

However, it’s truely a joy to revive these old lenses – and when fate brings the opportunity to get hands on a cheap Sony Alpha 6000 (or even better, the 6500 with image stablilizer for the sensor) I will definitely consider it. Current 400€ price at the big stores is a little too much for me right now, as I would only use it as a secondary camera (yet this is a killer price for a high quality APS-C sensor, I don’t think the Nikon D7200 sensor is much better).

Interesting alternatives are the full frame Sony Alpha 7 body and its sucessors (like the one with image stabalized sensor) as well as any of the Fuji APS-C cameras. It is reported that they work well with Minolta lenses and have more interesting features like better manual mode handling and nice film simulations. But both alternatives come at higher prices and would make more sense when switching completely – which I don’t feel comfortable with to be honest.

If you are a Sony or Fuji owner I think buying a second hand 50€ Minolta lense, like the 50mm f1.7 or f1.4 is a cheap way to get interesting portrait pictures for more than a reasonable price, as the adapters are not more then 20€.

Here some sample images how Minolta lenses combine with the Sony Alpha 6000.

Minolta 50mm f1.7 on Sony Alpha 6000
Minolta 28-85mm f3.5-4 on Sony Alpha 6000 (next to Minolta 50mm f1.7)
Minolta 28-85mm f3.5-4 on Sony Alpha 6000 (next to Minolta 50mm f1.7)
Minolta 50mm f1.7 on Sony Alpha 6000 (my favorite combination)
Minolta 50mm f1.7 on Sony Alpha 6000 (what a beauty)
Minolta 28mm f2.8 on Sony Alpha 6000 (also nice, but I prefer the wider aperture on the 50mm, there is even a 50mm f1.4 that could be interesting, but it is reported to be less sharp)
Minolta 75-200mm f4 on Sony Alpha 6000 (I don’t think this combination makes any sense, but it is something I have to admit)

Using Minolta manual lenses on Nikon D7200

After an analog and manual Minolta camera set fell into my hands, I purchased an F-mount to Minolta SR converter without and with correcting glas to use the lenses on the Nikon D7200. The plain adapter ring limits the focus ability up to a certain distance, depending on focal range. It’s OK for macro and portrait photography. The latter should sustain focusing to infinity. My objective was to revive the collection for occasional use that create a little retro-style picture mood – and to practice the handling for analog shooting.

Let me spoil the result: it doesn’t make much sense.

The Nikon DSLR was still not able to focus to infinity, which was very disappointing. Maybe the copy of my converter was faulty, but I will not make any more effort. Reason is, that it just is not feasible. Focusing manually was very difficult as the only support you can rely on through the viewfinder are the small arrows and the dot at the viewport bottom that indicates where to go. It takes me ages to focus and I often miss.

Also, at apertures wide open e.g. with the Minolta 50mm f1.7, pictures are useless as the appear to glow and are soft. Might be some reflexions within the lense/adapter/body volume that do not occur for f2 and above.

I think, you’re way better off using a full frame or APS-C mirrorless body with all the advanced digital support like focus peaking and WYSIWYG. Maybe the Sony Alpha 7 or the Fuji XT-20.

Annyway, here are some pictures.

Minolta XG-2 with (useless) macro converter and Minolta 80-200mm F4 (shot with a mobile phone)
Minolta 50mm F1.7 Rokkor with Skylight filter after cleaning – this lense is almost 40 years old and has spend maybe 20 years in the basement. Still works like a charme.
Crazy macro setup using a non-correcting Nikon F mount to Minolta SR mount adapter, a 2x macro converter and a Minolta Rokkor 80-200mm f4 tele-zoom on a Nikon D7200. Distance is roughly 1m. Picture quality and handling is terrible, though.
Nikon D7200 | non-correcting adapter Nikon to Minolta SR | 2x macro converter | Minolta 80-200mm f4 @ 200mm
Nikon D7200 | correcting adapter Nikon to Minolta SR | Minolta 50mm f1.7 @ f2
Nikon D7200 | non-correcting adapter Nikon to Minolta SR | 2x macro converter | Minolta 80-200mm f4 @ 200mm
Nikon D7200 | correcting adapter Nikon to Minolta SR | Minolta 50mm f1.7 @ f2
Nikon D7200 | non correcting adapter Nikon to Minolta SR | 2x macro converter | Minolta 80-200mm f4

Minolta XG-2 with manual lense collection

Sometimes things just happen without premonition. I knew that my parents used to shoot with a film camera when I was young, but I did not expect that they kept everything hidden in the basement all the time. And now, I got it! Among others, I discovered an analog Minolta XG-2 model, a common SLR with light metering and automatic shutter. Also two Minolta primes at 50mm and 28mm. And two zooms, a 28-85mm with macro range and a 75-200mm tele zoom. Additionally, I found myself holding a Minolta 2x macro converter in my hand – didn’t know something like that even existed. 

Anyhow, after spending 16€ for two batteries and a film with 24 pictures, my analog shooting adventure may begin! 

After short research it seems that it is possible to use the Minolta MD collection with adapters on system cameras like Fujifilms and the Sony Alpha 7 series or Alpha 6000 series fairly easy, meaning without a tele converter lense to sustain focus to infinity and beyond. Unfortunately I do not own such cameras, but a Nikon D7200. Adapting SR mount is possible using adapters with and without a correcting lense. I purchased both in the hope that I can try them on my Nikon DSLR, but expectation is rather low in terms of quality for the converter part. And without infinity focus I will be limited to Portait and Macro fotography. Fair enough, there is quite a gap in my gear here, anyway. 

Expect more to come.