Curriculum Vitae

I was born im Münster, Germany in 1984 and my parents moved from time to time, until I finally received a regular high school graduation at the Anne-Frank-Gesamtschule in Gütersloh, Germany. After school and a not worth mentioning time as a community service worker (replacement for military service) I enrolled for computer engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. I was looking for something in between electrical engineering and computer sciences. In retrospective, I can call myself lucky having made this decision back in the days.

During my studies I discovered my interest in acoustics when I came in touch with the Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA). After spending many years as Master and PhD student at the institute, I finally received my doctoral degree. Nowadays, I am working in the industry as a software developer at a company that is closely related to acoustics and well-known in Germany and around the world.

2007: Student assistant, working as a webmaster and administrator for the German Acoustical Society (Deutsche Akustische Gesellschaft e.V., DEGA) and the European Acoustics Association (EAA).

2009: Student assistant, working as a C++ developer for digital signal processing in the field of virtual acoustic.

2012: Internship at SVT Engineering Consultants, Perth, Western Australia.

2013: Studienarbeit at ITARWTH Aachen University (comparable to B.Sc. thesis) on the Simulation of the Doppler Effect

2013: Diploma thesis at ITARWTH Aachen University (comparable to M.Sc. thesis) on Distributed Room Acoustics Simulation for Real-time Auralization

2013: Phd student at ITA, Virtual Acoustics Workgroup, RWTH Aachen University. Check out the publications page for more information on my recent work.

Since 2021: Software Engineer at HEADacoustics GmbH, Herzogenrath, Germany

2023: Phd degree in Computer Engineering on the Real-Time Auralisation of Outdoor Sound Propagation at the Institute for Hearing Technology and Acoustics, RWTH Aachen University. Check out the publications page for more information on my dissertation.