Birds of the Algarve, Portugal

Schwarzkehlchen (Stonechat, saxicola rubicola) | Nikon D7200 | Sigma 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary | ISO 140 1/1000s f6.3

The Algarve region in southern Portugal is a beautiful place to be. It is especially well suited for family holidays where most of the family members are more interested in leisure time at the beach instead of bird chasing. However, both at a time is possible as the Algarve is rich of domestic birds and is also an important migration route.

I did not spent too much time with bird watching, but during the little time I could spend, a vivid number of species crossed my way.

  1. Schwarzkehlchen (Stonechat, saxicola rubicola)
  2. Hausrotschwanz (Black redstart, phoenicurus ochruros)
  3. Zwergadler (Dwarf eagle, aquila pennata)
  4. Südlicher Raubwürger (Southern grey shrike , lanius meridionalis)
  5. Iberien-Zilpzalp (Iberian chiffchaff, phylloscopus ibericus)
  6. Gänsegeier (Griffon vulture, gyps fulvus)
  7. Blauelster (Azure-winged magpie, cyanopica cyana)
  8. Wespenbussard (European honey buzzard, pernis apivorus)
  9. Fitislaubsänger (Willow warbler, phylloscopus trochilus)
  10. Samtkopf-Grasmücke (Sardinian warbler, sylvia melanocephala)
  11. Alpenkrähe (Red-billed chough, pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
  12. Uferschwalbe (Sand martin, riparia riparia)
  13. Seidenreiher (Little egret, egretta garzetta)
  14. Silberreiher (Great egret, ardea alba)
  15. Krähenscharbe (European shag, phalacrocorax aristotelis)
  16. Turmfalke (Common kestrel, falco tinnunculus)
  17. Mäusebussard (Common buzzard, buteo buteo)
  18. Türkentaube (Eurasian collared dove, streptopelia decaocto)
  19. Haubenlerche (Crested lark, galerida cristata)
  20. Amsel (Common blackbird, turdus merula)
  21. Singdrossel (Song thrush, turdus philomelos)
  22. Austernfischer (Eurasian oystercatcher, haematopus ostralegus)
  23. Mönchsgrasmücke (Eurasian blackcap, sylvia atricapilla)
  24. Bachstelze (White wagtail, motacilla alba)
  25. Haussperling (House sparrow, passer domesticus)
  26. Grünfink (European greenfinch, chloris chloris)
  27. Weißstorch (White stork, ciconia ciconia)
  28. Mittelmeermöwe (Yellow-legged gull, larus michahellis)
  29. Einfarbstar (Spotless starling, sturnus unicolor)
  30. Rotkehlchen (European robin, erithacus rubecula)

Gear I brought:

  • Nikon D7200
  • Nikon DX Nikkor 18-140mm f3.6-5.6
  • Nikon DX Nikkor 35mm f1.8
  • Sigma 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary (number 1 pick)
  • Sirui 250XT (rental)
  • Rollei ball head from R6i
  • EVOC Photop 16l
  • Nikon Sportstar 10×25 (turned out to be useless for longer distances)
Iberien-Zilpzalp (Iberian chiffchaff, phylloscopus ibericus)
Samtkopf-Grasmücke (Sardinian warbler, sylvia melanocephala)
Iberien-Zilpzalp (Iberian chiffchaff, phylloscopus ibericus)
Iberien-Zilpzalp (Iberian chiffchaff, phylloscopus ibericus)
Haubenlerche (Crested lark, galerida cristata)
Seidenreiher (Little egret, egretta garzetta)
Krähenscharbe (European shag, phalacrocorax aristotelis)
Seidenreiher (Little egret, egretta garzetta)
Hausrotschwanz (Black redstart, phoenicurus ochruros)
Zwergadler (Dwarf eagle, aquila pennata)
Junger Austernfischer (young eurasian oystercatcher, haematopus ostralegus)
Schwarzkehlchen (Stonechat, saxicola rubicola)
Amsel (Common blackbird, turdus merula)
Fitislaubsänger (Willow warbler, phylloscopus trochilus) [maybe?]
Weiblicher Hausrotschwanz (female black redstart, phoenicurus ochruros)
Weiblicher Turmfalke (female common kestrel, falco tinnunculus)
Blauelster (Azure-winged magpie, cyanopica cyana)
Mönchsgrasmücke (Eurasian blackcap, sylvia atricapilla)
Rotkehlchen (European robin, erithacus rubecula)
Mäusebussard (Common buzzard, buteo buteo)
Mäusebussard (Common buzzard, buteo buteo)
Weißstorch (White stork, ciconia ciconia)


Wespenbussard (European honey buzzard, pernis apivorus) [unfortunatley not well caught]

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