
  • Using Minolta manual lenses on Sony Alpha 6000

    After testing the manual Minolta lense collection on a Nikon D7200, I purchased a converter to use them on Sony E-Mount bodies like the Sony Alpha 6000 I could borrow from a friend. After the Nikon D7200 results were unsatisfactory, I have to admit that the set works pretty well with Sony. You can definitely…

  • Using Minolta manual lenses on Nikon D7200

    After an analog and manual Minolta camera set fell into my hands, I purchased an F-mount to Minolta SR converter without and with correcting glas to use the lenses on the Nikon D7200. The plain adapter ring limits the focus ability up to a certain distance, depending on focal range. It’s OK for macro and…

  • One year with the Nikon D7200

    One year ago, I decided to purchase a digital single-lense reflex camera, a wish that grew over the years with borrowed point-and-shoot and bridge cameras. Time to review the decision – (still) from an amateur viewpoint. As described in the photography section, I bought the Nikon D7200 as a class-leading representative of the ambitioned APS-C…